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Tahun Ini Gratis Di Indonesia:

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Circle Dock

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Software yg aga unik nih, biasanya kan yg ada cuma yg model"bar", tapi yg ini modelnya circle atau lingkaran. Docknya bs anda modifikasi sesuai selera, seperti skin, warna, tombol ditengah, besar-kecil docknya, bahkan icon2nya bs anda ganti sesuka hati. Dia jg menyediakan banyak pilihan icon2 keren untuk aplikasi2 terkenal seperti browser internet, office, video/music player, dll.
Fiturnya ada banyak, tp yg gw bahas cuma yg gw suka aj. Pertama ni software ga memberatkan, Kedua ga perlu install, Ketiga gara2 ni software icon2 shortcut di dekstop gw ludes diambil dia semua, yg Keempat dia tidak selalu berada di desktop anda. Apa maksudnya???
Begini, ketika anda klik salah satu icon ataupun klik tombol yg ditengah (klo diatas yg gambar logo windows tuh), otomatis dia bakal minimize sendiri ke taskbar (bawah kanan itu lho), trs gmn cara manggilnya lg??? Tinggal tekan tombol tengah mouse ataupun pencet F1, jadi serasa punya anak buah aj bs dipanggil2
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Dual Core Processor Busses Dual-core processors face a disadvantage if they both share one Front Side Bus. This highlights the advantages of the HyperTransport bus, where bandwidth is not shared between CPUs. A dual core processor is part of a category called multi-core processors. These computer processors have more than one independent processor on the chip or package. In the case of dual core processor, the entire chip has two independent computer processors that can work together to increase total computer performance. For non technical consumers, dual core processors can be thought of as having two separate computer chips combined.
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